Program Services
Resource Toolkit
The resource toolkit will contain action-oriented resources and information specific to community members and service providers to help them in providing age-appropriate grief support to children. The tools will be free and readily available on the Illinois Family Resource Center website.
Threads of Hope
Weaving Support for Children Grieving a Substance Use Related Death
Threads of Hope trainings focus on equipping community helpers and professionals to:
- Understand grief as it relates to losing a loved one to substance use
- Learn how to support children impacted by substance use related death
- Develop strategies to help families navigate stigma that create barriers to support
- Equip yourself with tools to foster healing and resilience in young survivors
Join us in creating a more supportive, informed community for those touched by substance use disorder.
Grief Support Services Directory
The Circle of Care is proud to introduce a comprehensive, online directory for current grief support services in Illinois and nationwide. This user-friendly tool connects you with compassionate care across Illinois and beyond and contains:
- Up-to-date listings of local and national support groups
- Professional counseling resources
- Specialized programs for all ages and types of loss
Grief and SUD Trainings
Circle of Care trainers are offering trainings to help community helpers and professionals address substance use, mental health, and grief, with a focus on reducing stigma and improving support. Five trainings are available statewide that will teach attendees practical strategies. The trainings will be available for future use on the Illinois Family Resource Center website. Interested in the training? Here are some things you can expect to learn:
- Increasing resources and strategies that support healthy development in children and families
- Reducing the impact of adversities and stressors related to SUDs and grief.
- Empowering and educating communities to support children and families in a way that reduces barriers around substance use, grief, and mental health.
Comfort Bags for Kids
As a part of our trainings, we will teach community helpers and professionals how to use “Comfort Bags for Kids”. The comfort bags support children and families in crisis or stressful situations related to substance use and grief.
"Handle with Care" Initiative
The Circle of Care team will organize the conversation in communities about the Handle with Care program. This program helps vulnerable children through partnerships between law enforcement, educators, and mental health providers, with training available from the Circle of Care team.