Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.

Kinship Care: Financial & Emotional Support

Are You a Caregiver?

caregiver-theme-2.jpgMany people spend so much time caring for a loved one but they don't recognize themselves as being a caregiver. So, if you know you are a caregiver seeking answers to questions, you're already on the right track.

Remember a caregiver can be anyone:

  • Seniors taking care of their spouses.
  • Children or grandchildren taking care of their parents or grandparents.
  • Neighbors or friends taking care of older adults living down the street.
  • Grandparents taking care of grandchildren.

The Illinois Caregiver Support Program defines a family caregiver as...An adult family member or another individual who is an informal provider of in-home and community care to an older individual. And as . . .Grandparents and relative caregivers of children not more than eighteen years of age including grandparents who are sole caregivers of grandchildren and those individuals who are affected by mental retardation or who have developmental disabilities.

Check out What is this program? (

Illinois Extended Family Support Program (EFSP)

grandmother_teaching_granddaughter_.jpgIf you are a kinship caregiver and you are wanting some direction for possible services and/or resources, check out the Extended Family Support Program that assists relative caregivers who are caring for their relative’s children and who are not part of the child welfare system. Services include:

  • Help obtaining guardianship.
  • Help obtaining the Child Only Grant (TANF) and other entitlements and benefits.
  • Help enrolling the children in school.
  • Referrals for other services.
  • Cash assistance to obtain guardianship and to meet the child's basic needs.

To inquire about receiving EFSP services, call the DCFS Hotline at [Please enable JavaScript.]. You are encouraged to say: "I am caring for my relative’s child. I have been caring for them for more than 14 days. The child is not being abused not neglected but I need help. I would like to be referred to the Extended Family Support Program." Please note, EFSP does not provide a monthly stipend.

For more information, contact the EFSP coordinator at [Please enable JavaScript.].

Finding Caregiver Resources 

grg-logo.jpgGrandparents and other kinship care continues to be growing in Illinois. for many it is unexpected and becomes a financial issue as well as an emotional issue. For those of you who are taking this role, please take a look at the resource sites offered though the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program.  Legislative support has allowed the Department to expand the program:

  • establishing support groups and providing them with financial and technical assistance;
  • providing grandparents with information and referral assistance;
  • training professionals and facilitators to meet grandparents needs.

 For more information on Grandparents and Older Caregivers Raising Children, visit the DCFS website at Relatives Raising Children/Extended Family Support (