Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.


August 2024

September is National Recovery Month

Recovery Month Toolkit

2024-recmo-banner.pngWith the right treatment, support, and resources, recovery is possible for everyone. Use this Toolkit to learn more about what SAMHSA is doing to support people in recovery and how to share this information with your audiences. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in or seeking recovery from mental and substance use disorders. Be a life changer. Join the recovery month events or create one for your community.

The Toolkit is a One-Stop Shop:

  • Social media content to help spread awareness about the process of recovery and to share hopeful message that most people who get help do recover.
  • Resources for learning about and supporting those in recovery.
  • Promotional materials about recovery in September and beyond.

Check out: Recovery Month Toolkit | SAMHSA