Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.

Family Life: Family Impact of Gambling

Check Out Gambling Hints

gambling.jpgOur families often experience the unrealistic expectations during a holiday season of family, feelings of kindness and closeness, and of joy. These same feelings may also create negative outcomes for individuals with a gambling disorder and can result in excessive gambling and subsequent monetary losses. The holidays can also become a time of excesses in celebrations and buying gifts. The result, problem gamblers can see this as time to make larger bets then they normally would. This can result in significant monetary losses, which in turn results in “chasing their losses.” Gamblers may be lulled into a false sense of believing that this is a lucky time of the year for them. The problem gambler may have the expectation for obtaining additional winnings. When the reality of additional losses sets in, experiencing feelings of shame and guilt may follow. Thus, the gambler is feeling badly and returning gambling to ease their feeling. Below are some hints from People Works-NM to ease the holiday concerns.  

 What to do if you are experiencing any of the above issues:

  • Plan each day of YOUR holidays. Create new holiday traditions to replace your old traditions
  • Remember self-care (ie. eating nutritional food, getting rest)
  • Be sure to set aside time for yourself
  • Maintain your spirituality
  • Focus on helping others
  • Set clear boundaries for yourself and with other as to what is OK for you
  • Recognizing expectations for the holidays vs. the reality of the holidays
  • Attend GA Meetings
  • Spend time with non-gambling friends and relatives

Problem Gambling and The Holidays - People Works NM

August 2022


gambling-g2f47f5d4f_1280.jpgProblem gambling is a growing issue in the United States and around the world. If you think you might have a problem with gambling, go to  and take the quick quiz to help determine what steps, if any, you should take. If you determine the need for help, support and advice about gambling disorder call 1.800.GAMBLER.


July 2022

Learn More About Gambling 

gambling.jpgWhat are the Signs and Symptoms of Gambling Addiction? What are the signs to look out for? If someone you love may be struggling with a possible gambling disorder, learn more about the situation. Spotting the signs of gambling addiction, understanding the resulting symptoms, and knowing how to get help, are all essential when it comes to combat the condition.

To learn more visit: What are the Signs and Symptoms of Gambling Addiction? - OK Rehab.


Illinois Gambling 

gamblingHead.jpgThe Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) released the first-of-its-kind statewide assessment of problem gambling in Illinois on June 16, 2022. The study found that 68 percent of adult Illinoisans reported gambling in the past year, with the state lottery being the most popular form. Following legalization and expansion, gambling at video gaming terminals and online sports betting showed significant growth over time. While most adults engage in responsible gambling behaviors, some experience significant impact on their economic, social, and mental well-being, developing problem gambling and gambling disorder.

Statewide, the assessment found:

  • 8 percent of adult Illinoisans — approximately 383,000 people — are considered to have a gambling problem
  • An additional 7.7 percent — approximately 761,000 people — are at risk for developing a gambling problem

IDHS continues to work with gambling providers to expand outreach and awareness of the problems that gambling can cause, and to connect impacted people with the services that support recovery. IDHS, through SUPR, has funded 26 gambling treatment programs through SFY2022. Twenty-one of them provide outpatient treatment and outreach services to the communities they serve. Call the number provided for more information.

Illinois Helpline

The Illinois Helpline can help you the  signs. And help you get the help that you need. That’s a win, for you and the people that you care about. If you see the signs of problem gambling, let us help. The Illinois Helpline is here to provide support and referrals for problem gambling and substance use.

Recognize the signs:

  • Needing to gamble with more money to keep gambling exciting
  • Feeling irritated or restless when trying to cut back on gambling
  • Trying to cut back or stop gambling, but not being able to
  • Thinking about gambling a lot
  • Gambling when you’re upset
  • Chasing losses (gambling more to win back money after losing)
  • Trying to hide gambling by lying
  • Having problems with relationships, work, or school because of gambling
  • Needing to borrow money as a result of gambling losses

Are You Really Winning - Illinois Helpline (

Gambling: Learn the Symptoms 

dice-3116778_1280.jpgGambling is common in Illinois. The Illinois Helpline can help you understand the signs and help you get the help that you need. It is a win for you and the people that you care about. If you see the signs of problem gambling, seek help. The Illinois Helpline is here to provide support and referrals for problem gambling and substance use. Be aware betting, gaming, wagering – gambling can take many forms. For some people, gambling can lead to financial problems, relationship problems, and depression and anxiety.

Warning signs of a potential gambling problem:

  • Borrowing or stealing money to gamble.
  • Gambling more than you can afford to lose.
  • Lying to family and friends about gambling.
  • Gambling losses produce feelings associated with depression.
  • Skipping family events and work to gamble.
  • Gambling to avoid feelings of loneliness.
  • Inability to enjoy usual activities and hobbies.

Check out: Are You Really Winning - Illinois Helpline (