Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.

Kids & Teen Life: Gambling Concerns for Youth


GiftResp2023_Social_5_1080_x1080_px.jpgThe Gift Responsibly Campaign

The Gift Responsibly Campaign raises awareness about the risks of youth gambling and educates communities on the dangers of buying lottery tickets for children. Public education campaigns, like the Gift Responsibly Campaign, play an important role in changing social norms and providing basic facts and education. The following guidelines highlight the educational components of the Campaign and explains how to avoid triggering, stigmatizing, and demeaning language or imagery. 

Campaign Guidelines:

  • Use #GiftResponsibly when posting about the Campaign on social media.
  • The Gift Responsibly Campaign is not a pro or anti-gambling initiative, rather it is designed to support responsible gambling practices.
  • Campaign features non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing, and non-demeaning language.
  • Campaign graphics may not feature any type of gambling related imagery.
  • Lottery participants are encouraged to avoid placing explicit sales messages in Campaign materials.
  • Children should not be used as part of the Campaign graphics or imagery.
  • The Gift Responsibly Campaign can be used both during the holiday season and year-round to promote responsible gifting for all occasions.
  • Recognize that many different faiths and communities have events during the winter holiday season.
  • Organizations are free to use the provided materials or create their own. When using NCPG provided materials and assets, it is requested that for consistency you follow the style guidelines found in the toolkit.