Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.

Circle of Care

Support for children, youth, and families grieving loss due to substance use related death and disorders

Circle of Care LogoThe Circle of Care is a statewide program created to support children, youth, and families impacted by grief related to substance use disorder. We provide trauma-informed and culturally responsive grief support resources for vulnerable and/or impacted youth and those who work with them so they can respond confidently to their needs.

 The Circle of Care is created in partnership with the Illinois Family Resource Center and Hour House.

Purpose of Program

  • Increase understanding of substance use, grief, stigma, and family dynamics

  • Assist helpers across the state in supporting affected children and families

  • Give communities tools to build a support network for children in need

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Virtual Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

september 17 registration  September 24 Registration

Threads of Hope Training

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Funding for this program is provided in whole or in part through the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Block Grant through the American Rescue Plan Act.