Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.

For Everyone: Books

June 2024

Unspoken Legacy: Addressing the Impact of Trauma and Addiction within the Family

black_legacy.jpgTrauma and addictive disorders are often a result of psychological injuries experienced as a child. These injuries typically produce long-term and harmful generational consequences on loved ones and other family members. Claudia Black offers an intense portrait of a broken family system. She explores how addiction and trauma develop and how their damaging repetition uproots and frequently destroys one's family tree.

Author: Claudia Black, PhD.

Publisher: Central Recovery Press, January 16, 2018

June 2023


crumbley_book.jpgThe rapid growth of kinship care has taught many child welfare agencies off guard. This book provides basic information to kinship caregivers and those who provide services to the families. Clinical issues are explored along with many policy and program recommendations.

Author: Dr. Joseph Crumbley and Robert L. Little 

Publisher: Child Welfare League of America

June 2023

Guided Growth

ira_chasnoff.jpgOne of the greatest challenges teachers and caregivers face is the increase in the number of children who do not respond to traditional instruction and classroom management techniques. Many of the children who present were prenatally exposed to alcohol and illicit drugs. To complicate matters, many – if not most – of these children suffered significant emotional and social trauma early in their lives. In the past twenty years, we have learned about these children and the chaotic lives many of them face. The Guided Growth relies on a key lesson learned from neuroscience: “If we are to influence the hearts and behaviors of others, we must do so by using the tools of caring and compassion; in this way we can remain open to the needs of those around us who are suffering from the deepest hurts.”

Author: MD Ira J. Chasnoff and PhD Ronald J. Powell 

Publisher: NTI Upstream, Oct 1, 2020

May 2023

Helping Build Empathy 

empathy-building-books-for-kids.jpgMay is Mental Health Awareness Month and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is sharing this resource to assist our young ones in learning more about emotions and the skill of empathy.

Visit: PBS: Public Broadcasting Service  

April 2023

 The Kissing Hand

193371800501S001LXXXXXXX.jpgThis encouraging book has become a children's classic and has touched the lives of many families, especially at times of separation, such as starting school, entering daycare, or going to camp or removal from home. It is widely used by kindergarten teachers on the first day of school. This is a support for many of the children experiencing Relocation Stress Syndrome (RSS).

Author: Audrey Penn

Publisher: Tanglewood 1993

Everything Changes: Help for Families of Newly Recovering Addicts 

41TliInnHbL.jpgThis is a compassionate, user-friendly handbook for family and friends piloting the many challenges that come with a loved one's new-found sobriety and recovery journey. Everything Changes eases fears and uncertainty by teaching families of newly recovering addicts how to navigate the stressful early months of recovery. She outlines both the physical and psychological changes that the recovery journey contains. She offers practical tools to help family members and friends.

Author: Beverly Conyers  

Publisher: Hazelden  April 2009

November 2022

Supporting Families 

FinalCoverImage.jpgThe 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers was created to support family caregivers of all ages, from youth to grandparents, and regardless of where they live or what caregiving looks like for them and their loved ones.

The strategy was developed jointly by the advisory councils created by the RAISE  Family Caregiving  Act and the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act, with extensive input from the public, including family caregivers and the people they support. It will be updated in response to public comments and will evolve with the caregiving landscape. Take a look and comment when appropriate.

You will find the document at: 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers | ACL Administration for Community Living.

November 2022

Resources for Learning

mail.pngCelebrate Reading books by Native authors is one great way to celebrate Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month. Look for some of these titles at your library or local bookstore.

Check out: Explore how children learn through storytelling traditions (


November 2022

Alateen – Hope for Children of Alcoholics

OIP.jpg “If no one knows us as we really are, we run the risk of becoming victims of our own self-hatred. If we can be loved by somebody who sees us as we are, we can then begin to accept ourselves. Others rarely think we’re as bad as we do.”

If you live with issues related to substance use in your environment, check out the resources of Alateen or Al-anon. Take care of yourself.

August 2022

The Addiction Monster: A Childrens Guide to Understanding the Dynamics of Drugs and Alcohol  

addiction_monester.jpgTHE ADDICTION MONSTER is a powerful tool for children 5 years and older that will help them understand the dynamics of chemical dependency. The book is written as a form of Narrative Therapy, which uses the tool of externalizing the problem and allows the child to see that the problem of chemical dependency is a separate entity (the Monster) from the mother.

Janet Amptman (Author), David Amptman (Illustrator) - March 22, 2014

Create Space Independent Publishing Platform

May 2022

Parenting Through Your Adult Child's Addiction: Making Sense of Treatment, Aftercare, and Recovery Recommendations 

parenting_addiction.jpgNo parent imagines their tiny infant growing up to have an addiction. If you are worried your son or daughter’s use of drugs or alcohol has reached a sufficient level of concern, you may be exploring or have already admitted your adult child to treatment. As a parent you are hard-wired to love, provide, protect, nurture, and rescue your young, just like all other creatures. Yet here you are, trying to learn what you can do to support your loved one without revealing the resentments, doubts, fears, and expectations you harbor. Learn more about this journey and the tools for taking care of yourself through this experience.

Ginny H. Mills - October 10, 2019

Publisher: Year of the Book Press

May 2022

The Gambling Addiction Recovery Book: Working the Twelve of Steps of Gamblers Anonymous & Steps for Meetings 

61cKwiLJE0L.jpgMuch of the text is based on the collective experience and wisdom of Gamblers Anonymous members as they have expressed themselves at meetings, conferences and private

Publisher: G.A. Publishing, March 31, 2020

April 2022

Understanding Addiction and Recovery Through a Child's Eye 

moe.jpgJerry Moe, an addictions professional and National Director of Children’s Programs at the Betty Ford Center, offers rich and wide-reaching collection of poignant stories and humorous anecdotes about children and teens who are navigating their way through the healing process. This provides a way for young people to know they are not alone and receive support on their journey.

Jerry Moe, December 2007

Publisher: Health Communications 

March 2022

It Will Never Happen to Me: Growing Up with Addiction as Youngsters, Adolescents, and Adults 

clau_bl.jpgThis is Claudia Black's bestselling classic, revised, on the experience of being raised in an addictive household. While continuing to recognize alcohol as the primary addiction within families, this revised edition of It Will Never Happen to Me, extends concepts to include addictive disorders involving other drugs, money, food, sex, and work.

Claudia Black PhD– December 22, 2020

Publisher: Central Recovery Press

February 2022

"Dear David: Dealing with My Son’s Addiction One Letter at a time"

der_david.jpgIf you are a parent impacted by the substance use of your child, this is a good read for you. Martha Wegner shares her journey of recovery as a parent through her blog letters she wrote to her son David. The 216 pages takes you on her journey as she and her son strive to become healthy.

Martha Wegner - 2019 

Publisher: Calumet Editions

January 2022

grand_raising.jpgToday more grandparents in Illinois are raising their grandkids, creating "grandfamilies" and the number is going up. In Illinois, the most identified reason is substance use disorder of the parent. You may be one of these grandparents. It is a responsibility many grandparents never expected! If you have assumed this role, you probably have some questions.

- How will I find the energy for this? - What if I "blow it?" - How will I budget this? - How do I handle my sadness and loss of friends? Each day, you look for ways to make life easier.

Check out the following: SO, YOU'RE RAISING YOUR GRANDKIDS! by Harriett Hodgson (2018)

Publisher: WriteLife Publishing