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Gambling Disorder: Recovery Resources

May 2024

Do You Know About ICPG?

dice-3116778_1280.jpgThe Illinois Council on Problem Gambling (ICPG) is the statewide resource in Illinois for awareness and education about Gambling Disorder. They work to increase public awareness about gambling disorder, provide information and resources related to treatment for those with a gambling disorder and their families, promote research, and develop and implement gambling disordered education and prevention programs in the State of Illinois.

About ICPG - Illinois Council on Problem Gambling (


January 2024


December 2023


August 2023

Help for Gambling

gamblingHead.jpgIf you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call 1-800-GAMBLER or text ILGAMB to 833234. You can also visit Are You Really Winning? for more information about problem gambling and how to increase awareness and action on problem gambling. Providers and gambling establishments who want to help raise awareness, can download printed and electronic materials from

January 2023

Help for Family 

gambling.jpgGambling, betting and gaming impact a substantial number of Illinois people. According to a study by HRIA, upwards of four percent of Illinois people have a gambling issue and another seven percent are at risk. Problem gambling affects thousands of Americans and their loved ones. Like other addictions, the compulsion to gamble can take top priority in the gambler’s life, causing devastating emotional and financial upheavals. Often, the family is just as affected by the addiction as is the gambler. As the loved one of a problem gambler, you cannot stop the gambling. Only the gambler can do that. You can, however, take steps to regain financial balance in your life, either on your own, or with the gambler’s cooperation. The handbook prepared by the National Endowment for Financial Education® (NEFE®) and the National Council on Problem Gambling, is designed to help you. It will suggest ways to deal with financial issues due to gambling before they become a major financial problem … or it can aid in recovering financially if you already have serious money problems.

Check out: Financial Family Guide for Familys.pdf.

January 2023

Is gambling addiction a problem for you or someone you love?

smart.jpgDo you…

Think about gambling a great deal of your time? Lie about your gambling to others? Gamble while bills go unpaid? Borrow money to finance your gambling? Miss work because of your gambling? Feel anxious, depressed or even suicidal after you gamble, but not quitting? SMART Recovery provides tools and support that you or your loved one can use to help a recovery journey from addictive gambling. 

Check out the recovery support options at Gambling Addiction Help & Resources | Compulsive Gambling | SMART Recovery - SMART Recovery
