Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.

Resources for and About Very Young Children (Ages 0-5)

In the words of leading loss and grief educator Alan Wolfelt, PhD, “Anyone old enough to love is old enough to grieve.”  This makes sense, but adults often feel helpless if we know that little kids must be suffering but we don’t even know how much they’re conscious of, how much they understand, or what grief might look like or feel like in a mind that is still early in its development.  And if substances are involved in the loss, the questions grow more complicated.

Clicking on the "VIEW HERE" buttons in the boxes below will take you to resources developed by national experts, and some of them by children who have experienced profound loss and grief and found great resilience.  These resources include checklists, podcasts, videos, infographics, articles, activities, and websites where you can find more resources.  The activities are particularly important, because children learn and integrate their experiences through play.  What you learn on this journey might make your support for very young children safer and more effective.

About Very Young Children

Developmental Differences

Table on developmental differences in reacting to death, from Judi's House/JAG Institue

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Supporting Preschoolers

"Preschoolers and Grief: Can They Even Understand?" from the Dougy Center

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Nurturing Resilience

Guidelines for supporters of grieving children, from the Wayfinder Family Co.

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The Supporter's Role

Sharing With Your Child After a Loss

Tips on communication for parents and other supportive adults, from the Wayfinder Family Co.

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Listening on Repeat

A guide for supporters, focused on listening deeply, from the National Alliance for Children's Grief

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Grieving a Substance-Related Death

Tips for supporting children, from the National Alliance for Children's Grief

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In the Words of Kids Who Have Experienced Grief

Grief Feels Like

Highly creative animated video in the words of kids and teens, from the Dougy Center

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Let's Hear it for the Kids

Video on grief narrated in the words of kids and teens, from the Dougy Center

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All the Pieces

"All the Pieces:  When a Loved One Dies from Substance Use," a Hallie Riggs video from the APA

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Age-Appropriate Activities

Yougest Grievers: 10 for 10 Activities

Activities from the Dougy Center, "for when emotions run high"

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Dear...A Letter to My Person

Tools from the Dougy Center for writing a letter to a lost loved one

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Aldo's Adventures in Grief

Aldo the Llama's experience of grief, from the Dougy Center.

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Create a Support Chain

Activity for creating a paper chain of sources of support, from the Dougy Center.

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Grief Creature

A drawing and coloring activity, so young children can share their experience, from the Dougy Center

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Hard Days Safety Plan

A self-care worksheet from the Dougy Center that kids can use on difficult days

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