Sometimes change happens an hour at a time.

Resources for and About Teens (Ages 13-18)

From middle school through high school, being a teen can be a very bumpy ride.  Life in a family affected by substances often adds extra layers of complexity, conflict, fear, shame, guilt, and loss.  When teens also experience heavy loss and grief in this context—for example, the loss of a parent or a sibling—their needs and wishes can be hard for adult supporters to understand or anticipate.   

Clicking on the "VIEW HERE" buttons in the boxes below will take you to resources developed by national experts, some of them by teens who have experienced profound loss and grief and found great resilience.  These resources include checklists, podcasts, videos, infographics, articles, booklets, activities, and one resource website.  What you learn on this journey might make your support for teens safer and more effective.

About Teens

Developmental Differences

"Differences in children's understanding of death, from Judi's House/JAG Institute.

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Nurturing Resilience

Guidelines for supporters of grieving youth, from the Wayfinder Family Co.

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Children of Addiction

A guide for educators from the National Organization for Children of Addiction.

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The Supporter's Role

Listening on Repeat

A guide for supporters, from the National Alliance for Children's Grief

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How to Help a Grieving Teen

 "Let's Hear It For the Kids: Grief In Their Own Words, "from the Dougy Center

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Sharing With Your Child After a Loss

Tips on communication for supportive adults, from the Wayfinder Family Co.

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About Grief

The Griever's Bill of Rights

Poster and activity ideas for children and teens, from the Eluna Network

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What to Say to Teens in Grief

A "Do and Don't" poster from the National Alliance for Children's Grief

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Adolescente Haz Esto y no Hagas

Haz esto y no hagas pautas de la Alianza Nacional para el Luto Infantil

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In the Words of Teens Who Have Experienced Grief

Grief Feels Like

Highly creative animated video about grief in the words of kids and teens, from the Dougy Center

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Their Stories: Traci, Amira, and Alina

From the Dougy Center's "Road to Resilience" series. 

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Innovative website with  straight talk, streaming videos, and other resources by and for young people

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Age-Appropriate Activities

Your Grief is Unique

Worksheet to help children and teens cope with grief, from the Eluna Network

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Teen Grief Journal

Activities to help teens work through their grief, from the National Alliance for Children's Grief

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Create a Support Chain

Activity for creating a paper chain of sources of support, from the Dougy Center.

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Supporting a Friend Who is Grieving

Poster for supportive youth, from the National Alliance For Children's Grief

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Como Apoyar a Un Amigo en Duelo

Pautas para amigos de personas en luto de la Alianza Nacional para el Luto Infantil

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Tweens and Teens Talk

Activity/discussion tool and infographics from the National Association for Children of Addiction

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